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Having had one hound, Riley, we soon fell in love with him and as the months went by, we started to think about getting another hound€¦.. "one day€. However, Christmas 2013 came along and we were invited to visit Diniece...

Training Tips and Tricks Part 5: Sit!

I have mixed views on 'sitting' greyhounds and I will explain why. As most of you know we are a two greyhound family (well four for another five days but that's...

Blue joined our family in May of this year after a marriage failure in her previous home. Although I was aware she had lost a couple of toes in her racing career I was surprised to see she had a...

Cortez has been part of our family for over two years now. He is well and truly enjoying his retirement so much that even he and our cat Lucy are friends! He has developed a real cheeky side, this involves...

Patch was the 12th dog into GAP and back in 2006 we had lots to learn! Patch was one of our early challenges. He was an ex-hurdler, and while many greyhounds are hopeless jumpers, Patch could easily clear a 6...


The sky is the limit with training. Time, consistency and patience are all that's needed. I recently read an awesome quote that is so true: "it takes just as much...

We have had Jake for quite a while now. He is nearly 6 and he is such a great boy! He now has a new brother Zeke who is two years old, Jake used to get lonely during the day...

Well this is what happens when you take your 3 Greyhounds up to the GAP kennels on a Monday evening to get their nails trimmed €¦ You come home with 3 Greyhounds in the car with lovely trimmed nails, your...

Roman previously Hercules (Lucky Lucky Luck) came into GAP in March this year after winning just one of his 32 starts. Assessed as suitable for a home with cats it didn't take long for him to find a home with...

There are just over 200 children at Clarkville School, just north of the Waimakariri river in the South Island. Kieran Sinclair-Lomax (my son, aged 9) and the fabulous Muldoon (Admit Nothing) of Riccarton Market fame (thanks for the borrow Gemma...