Having had one hound, Riley, we soon fell in love with him and as the months went by, we started to think about getting another hound€¦.. "one day€. However, Christmas 2013 came along and we were invited to visit Diniece and Rob Turner who were fostering Hannah at the time. As we entered their home, Hannah came bouncing along to greet us like a long lost friend, the most beautiful little girl with the gorgeous eyes, swinging tail from side to side and so keen to welcome us. The minute we saw her, something in those eyes of hers sprung into our hearts! And so, the moment of Hannah being part of our family began to grow! And grow it did, as from that day onwards, being the 3rd January 2014, Hannah was adopted!
Hannah was known as "Fanta€ - and I can see why. She is likened to a soda pop, full of energy, orangey-brown in colour (rather prefer the word "fawn€ than "orange€). But Fanta was not to be her adoptive name, as I just cannot liken her to a bottle of Fanta Orange - oh no, she is more graceful than that - so hence we renamed her Hannah which in Hebrew means "Grace€.
Hannah and Riley (whom we adopted in May 2013) got along very well from the word go, and Riley is so much more content now that he is the "big brother€ who looks after his "little sister€ with so much love and gentleness, although he loves to show off on occasions and brag (just like a guy!)
Just to describe a little more about Hannah's features€¦ she reminds me of a little model, very fine facial features with the most beautiful eyes which seem to be made up with mascara and eye liner! She has beautiful teeth; a lovely smile and body shape, fit enough for the "cat€ walk (excuse the pun!).
She also has beautiful nails, as if manicured, and not to be left out of the latest fad, she even has one only black nail, as the rest are light! Cool as!
When Hannah came to us, she was rather on the thin side, but since she loves her food so much, she has shaped herself into a well-covered little hound, and has a bottom which implies "does my bum look that big!?€
Hannah has been well behaved since she came home, enjoys playing with her toys, and is very vocal - she loves to "talk€ to us in her gruff, deep "voice€ and is very intense with her conversations, as she waits for us to respond and as usual, has the last say!
So Hannah has joined our "Walnut€ family and we are very blessed to have her as she has brought so much joy into our lives, as has Riley. Hounds are the most gracious, lovable, pets, we get so much back from them as we could not imagine life without them. I guess we qualify to say we are smitten - we encourage friends, family, and those people we meet on the street when walking our hounds, to get to know greyhounds, these gentle giants, who give back so much love and devotion - our lives would be empty without them.
Lastly, thanks to GAP and all the GAP friends we have come to know, for all the support, for all the fun we have. We class ourselves privileged, proud and thankful greyhound owners and love them all, heart and soul.