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My friend Pam and I decided we would like to take a trip to the Greylands kennels near Levin. So we went for the weekend and combined a visit to the kennels with a bit of shopping in Otaki. We...

Bindi has been with us for about 5 years now. She's got her place in the pack pretty well sorted. She loves getting about in the winter in her leopard skin coat for round town. She has some crazy animal...

This blog was published in Fast Friends two years ago but it is one of my favourite things to teach a hound so I thought it worth sharing again.

Your hounds bed needs to be his temple. His place...

Local greyhounds gather on masse to welcome Hairy Maclary and friends to Tauranga's Waterfront

There were amazing scenes, fun and unbridled joy on the faces of young and old last month over two consecutive weekends in Tauranga along the...

Well at 5am on Friday the 7th August , in the pouring rain , the freezing cold south westerly wind and in the pitch dark , I was in a paddock at Awahuri helping one of my older ewes Molly...

I've been away more than what could be called acceptable with my job, but it's a new job so saying no would probably not be a wise career move when one is still firmly in the three-month trial period. The...

We begin with a touch of sadness as we had to say goodbye to our darling Lace back in November. She was a lovely girl and we miss her dearly. Run Free at the Rainbow Bridge sweet girl.


If you have had your hound any length of time you will most likely have quite a few bits and bobs for him. With this months blog I'll take you through some of my favourite and not so favourite hound...

Sometimes it is just easier when you have extra paws in the classroom. Teaching genetics is always an interesting topic but even more so when it can be applied to a real situation. This was to illustrate selective breeding and...

There's nothing quite like a high five in the face from a roaching greyhound's hind leg to inform you in no uncertain terms that more room is required on the couch, please and thank you, would you mind just "bunching...