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I've been sitting here for hours trying to recall what's happened in Wiz and Lucy's lives over the past two months and the answer is, as is almost always the case, a collection of small instances and occurrences that all...

Lilo had settled in. Yes, the perfect child had come to stay. We proudly went out for walks, the New Kid on the Block was admired and talked about and it was all very jolly. People rightly and wisely advised...

Sunny (Ibiza Fling) is settling in very nicely. He and Penny (our Rottie) get on so well, they have not had one disagreement. Sunny is now a Canine Friends dog (pet therapy) and has had 2 visits to the Rest...

Smiler lives with his friend Bree the nuggety cattle dog just outside Helensville on 5 acres. They went down for their annual vaccinations recently and the Vet asked if she could take a blood sample from him.

Up came...

a'ngel (-nj-) n.1. Lovely or innocent being;

You might be wondering where all this 'angel' stuff is coming from. Well, that is how Lilo's last trainer described her for the GAP adoption process.

"Lilo is an angel, she...

The house was deathly quiet in the small hours, just as it had been for many weeks. No crashing dog-door (sometimes thrown off its apparently "robust hinges€ and into the garden), no more distant sound of a frantic cat-claw scrabble...

Lucy isn't talking to me currently, and Wiz, as usual, is asleep upside somewhere so without their invaluable input into the happenings at Casa Stevens (aka 'Tumbledown Manor€) over the month this will be a difficult blog to write but...

Gypsy is enjoying the spring weather in the Wairarapa in her usual slightly loopy style! She's now an 'only child' so has been going on a lot of walks to keep her amused as she's still a very active girl...

Sunny has settled in extremely well and he and Penny (Rottweiler) have become great friends and are always together. We took him to the Lake earlier this week and he walked into the water as if he had done it...

To start with, Wizard is now officially 8 years old. This has not made him more mature or intelligent as he still runs at breakneck speed through the house, from the lounge to our bedroom and back again while Lucy...