Walk - Wellington & Hutt Valley

Sun 19 Jun
9:30 am
Carpark opposite 36-38 Marine Parade
Lower Hutt 5013

Greyhounds in the Wellington and Hutt areas walk on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 9:30am.  We meet in the carpark across the road from the Fulton Hogan building. Turn at Rebound clothing on Kirkcaldy Street and turn left onto Marine Parade.  

If you are keen to join us please register here so we know you're coming: Walk Registration Copy (wufoo.com)

We welcome ideas for our doggy adventures, so if you have a walk you’d like to share with other hounds and hoomans please let our Event Coordinator Teresa know!

GAP walks are open to all adopted greyhounds no matter where adopted from, their canine siblings from the same household, all other sighthounds and of course anyone considering adopting a greyhound through GAP.  Please feel free to come along for a “pat and chat” session.

Events are also posted to Facebook: Greyhounds as Pets NZ and your regional page (GAP Wellington & Hutt Valley), Click on the EVENTS tab (left of screen) for details/comments.