Feeling pretty confident this week that Sam has improved. We have been doing lots of practice. Exciting news when we get to class is we have two more greyhounds in the class. Leigh-Anne and Martin with Paddy (Paddy Bond) and Milo (unraced). That's six greyhounds in a class of eight. Class photo coming soon!
This week is more of the basics. We practice sit, stay, walking in to heel, changing direction, walking past each other, going through gates and recall (Sam sat out the recall this week!). Sam did the world's longest sit/stay but if no-one other than me sees it does it count?? I hope so.
Sam (Gridiron) demonstrates a sit (and sticks his tongue out at Tania!)
Teaching greyhounds to sit tips.
Official method - get a really tasty treat and say 'sit' whilst lifting the treat over the dog's nose and back over its head so the dog is forced to lean back and move into a sit. If the dog keeps moving back instead of sitting, a gentle hand on the bottom may help them move into the sit. Give the treat as soon as they sit.
Sam will work for any food-like treat while Syd prefers roast chicken. We found small bits of Possyum are popular with both boys.
You can also try this on a slope so their bottom touches the ground more quickly, or use your imagination - perhaps try a cushion!
Alternative method - as above but instead of pushing on their bottom, crouch down and with your other arm put pressure on the back of their 'knees' until they give way - much the same as when someone pushes you behind the knees for laugh. Our instructor did point out that you wouldn't want to do this with a snappy dog! I tried this first with Sam and he stubbornly refused so I went for the first option and he sat first time. Lesson learnt - always try the easy option first!
Tania Harris - Hutt Valley Area Co-ordinator