Well this is what happens when you take your 3 Greyhounds up to the GAP kennels on a Monday evening to get their nails trimmed €¦ You come home with 3 Greyhounds in the car with lovely trimmed nails, your trimming money still in your pocket, with a foster Greyhound as well, so 4 happy dogs in the back of the station wagon! Sam had gotten along just fine with my own 3. Bridgette (Bardos Angel) Lilly (Riri Megumi) and GoGo (Go Strait Threw) while we were all up at the kennels and he was a happy boy in the car with them €¦ so he just came home! We had 1 little accident where the telephone got scent marked (which I thought was funny actually) and just settled in and was good as gold from then on in. Sam was not that long off the race track, so full of energy and a powerful boy. He fitted right in with my gang, and I walked him with GoGo (the 2 boys together) that night. It was a bit of a powerhouse handful on the lead that night but he has got so much better now and is good.I was actually surprised at how well and easily he just made himself at home and part of the family.
It was Central Districts field days that week and I was helping with the GAP display and site so Sam had no choice! So Thursday morning Sam and Lilly headed off to Manfield and the Field days for a ½ day. Sam coped really well and was fine with all the people around and kids patting him. He seemed to enjoy himself. Big change for a race dog straight into the area of public relations dog! The 4 dogs all did ½ days in pairs there for the 3 days of the Field Days. So a huge change in a week for Sam and he did so well, was really happy with him
Well (as they do) Sam just wormed his way into the family here and my heart, so the decision was made that I keep Sammy and add him to the gang permanently. Sam has turned out to be fantastic for my gang as he has taught GoGo to play again and to have fun , he and Lilly have a great time racing round in the house ( yep the coffee table is their hurdle in their race track! His boundless energy means the others all get more walks now to as we need to go 2 times a day now (and yeap Dad even HAS to do rain now!)
I have taken them all out to Scotts Ferry beach a few times now and they have so much fun. Sam gets them all playing tag and chase, GoGo and Sam play chase the sea gull , and they all play hunt the bunny in the sand hills, lots of fun! Sam seems to be lead Hound in the games and the runs and he brings them all back every time, good dog to have.
I would like to say a HUGE thank you to Deb Edlin (Sammy's trainer) for her accessibility when I first had Sam here as a foster dog, and for taking the time to phone me and tell me all about Sam, it made life a lot easier when I knew more about the dog. I would also like to thank Deb for allowing me to adopt her boy and for the ongoing support she has shown Sam
So Krussian (the race dog ) is now Sam / Sammy (the full of energy, happy pet dog) Sammy will have a for-ever home here with me and my happy little pack , and can just sit back and be a human€¦ lol, well I am sure none of my lot know they are dogs
Thank you so much to GAP for all the great work they do, and for giving people like me the opportunity to be able to adopt such a gentle breed of couch potato as the Greyhound.
Greyhounds just make the best pets, and are the easiest dogs I have ever owned. Keep up the Greyt work GAP