Here's a lovely update we've been sent on the stunning Katie (Where's Sloy)
It's been five months since we got Katie(Where's Sloy) and it's hard to remember what life was like without her. She has so much love to share with us and literally bounces with excitement when she sees us. Sometimes she remembers that she isn't supposed to jump and does a lovely sit, but then she gets so excited with the praise and starts jumping about again. She loves going for walks and has learned that the other things walking on leads are also dogs and don't need to be chased. She had a great term at dog school and learned to sit, stay, come and be nice to small fluffy dogs.
She loves going off lead and mostly comes back when she is called!! It took about three months for her to work out where the kids fitted in but now she's realised they are a great source of fun and loves playing ball games, chasing and supervising the lego building. She's great with the kid visitors as well, greeting everyone nicely and only playing if they invite her.
She does tend to thieve and we've found shoes, clothes, stuffed toys, mail and even a bike helmet in her bed. If she gets caught stealing she just casually opens her mouth to drop her loot and keeps walking like nothing ever happened.
Liz, Tony, Ella and Lewis and Katie