What a difference a week makes and actually doing some practice. Sam (Gridrion) is staying well, sitting like a champion, and walking much closer to my side (or that could be me learning how to hold a treat whilst walking with the dog!) But the absolute highlight this week is Paddy (Paddy Bond) can sit. After much practice at home Paddy has brought his A game to training and does some perfect sits. His housemate Milo, we are reliably told can sit well at home but is still stubbornly refusing to perform his new tricks in front of an audience but I am sure he will get there. Yay Paddy!
This week we practice going through the gate. The hounds are supposed to sit, then stay whilst you open the gate and walk through and then wait for you to tell them to come before going through the gate and finishing on a sit whilst you close it. Lots of commands all at once and this one will take some doing. Sasha (unraced) is the gate champion this week and she almost has it down pat! The rest of us have opportunities to practice!
The trainer this week is really emphasizing talking to your hound. Lots of praise when doing things well and using their name with a command. How many of us are guilty of using their name to say all sorts of things like come, don't be naughty, look at me etc etc. Our trainer wants us to focus on using our hound's name and being mindful of the commands and words we use, eg, 'Sam come', not 'Sam let's go now ok'€¦ and praise, and more praise, in an excited voice when our hounds do well. Being clear and concise in our commands will help our hounds understand us and lots of praise will help the dog make the connections between what behaviour we are asking for when we use the word!.. Sam seems to love praise€¦ almost as much as treats€¦ (almost! J)
The featured hound this week is Leroy (Soho Prince). Leroy is a quick study and has the perfect sit. In the preview image he's warming up for a spectacular down stay!!
Right off to practice going through gates and pushing a ball!