Sally Lees, our Wellington Area Coordinator, has sent us this update on her sweet as pie hound George!
George (Chile Command) joined our family on 19 December 2009, and we've done things and been places I'd never have imagined, and met wonderful people along the way.
We attend events so others can see how wonderful greyhounds are, including Animates Adoptions Days, fairs, the annual GAP street collection, and up to Napier for Art Deco weekend (twice!).
Greyhounds are collectible! We fostered Mynx (Whistling Mynx), and soon realised she had found her forever home, adopting her on 15 June 2011. They are a great pair.
George comes with me to visit prospective owners on home visits. He's a fantastic ambassador for GAP and afterwards many of them ask for a dog "just like George please€. He's great with other pets and very gentle with children.
He and Mynx welcomed their greyhound friend Lea (unraced) when she needed a homestay for a few months late last year, and we then fostered Warrior (Homebush Warrior) and then Seamus (unraced). They've been very laid back about these comings and goings - in true greyhound style.
Photo 1 George and his favourite toy
Photo 2 George at Art Deco weekend 2013, with Brendan Hair and Melanie Vogel (my son and his partner)
Photo 3 George (on the left) recently met his litter-brother Flynn,
Photo 4 George on a walk at Dennis Duggan Park in Newlands Wellington,
Photo 5 George leading a black dog conga line at Newlands