Walk - Rotorua

Sun 16 May
10:30 am
Lake Tikitapu (Carpark)
Tarawera Road
Rotorua 3076

Welcome Alison & Millie to the role of Event Coordinator!

Greyhounds in the Rotorua area walk on the 3rd Sunday of each month. 

It would be greyt to get a big houndy turnout to this first walk so Alison can catch up/meet with you all.

Let's meet at Lake Tikitapu (Blue Lake), on the lake shore near the large car park. BYO drinks and food for post walk picnic

If weather looks doubtful, light rain = coats for humans and dogs, worse rain defer until Sunday 23 May, same details. 

We welcome ideas for our monthly adventures, so if you have a walk you’d like to share with other hounds and hoomans please let our Event Coordinator Alison know, we have 12 spots to fill every year!

We welcome all greyhounds and prospective adopters.  If you are considering adopting a greyhound please feel free to join us for a "pat and chat" session.

Events are also posted to Facebook: Greyhounds as Pets NZ and your regional page (GAP Waikato/BOP), Click on the EVENTS tab (left of screen) for details/comments.