The amazing folks at Animates Grey Lynn (Richmond Road) have invited us in store for a lovely morning/afternoon of greyhound cuddles!
Come on down on Saturday between 10 am and 2 pm to pat some adrobale houndys and chat to their friendly owners all about greyhounds and greyhound pawrenting.
Between 11:30 - 12 and from 1:30 - 2 we will also be holding a couple of talks all about fostering and how you can be involved with helping our adoptable get ready for pet life.
If you have ever thought about adopting or fostering then this is a perfect event for you. We can't wait to see you there!
If you are already a greyhound owner and would like to volunteer you and your houndy to be a part of this Pat & Chat, please let us know by filling out our quick and easy volunteer form.