Tis the season for dress ups and treats!
Join us for our monthly walk with a Halloween twist. Dress your hound up (not a requirement just a suggestion) and meet us at the Onehunga Reclaimed Beach, where there is plenty of parking ripe for Trunk (aka car boot) or Treating post walk. We will kick the walk off at 10:30 am.
Our walk will take us along some of the waterfront, over the bridge, around the Onehunga Bay Reserve and then back to our cars where our hounds can then "Trunk or Treat."
You don't have to participate with the Trunk or Treating but if you would like to then please bring treats to share. The idea is that our hounds will be able to go from car boot to car boot collecting treats.
We hope to see many of our Auckland area based houndys there! It's sure to be a ghoulish good time.
Don't have a greyhound, but think you might like to adopt one? Then this is the perfect way for you to meet some hounds, get a huge dose of cuteness in your life, and chat to some houndy owners about what it's like to care for the worlds "fastest couch potatoes."