GAP Walk - Hawkes Bay

Sun 01 Mar
10:00 am
Park Island - Prebensen & Cato Roads
Cato Road
Orotu Park
Napier 4182

The weather is cooling off enough now for an off lead run, this coming Sunday, the 1st of March, did someone say rabbits!!!!

Let's meet at 10am at the fenced paddock out the back of Park Island, Corner of Cato Rd and Prebensen Drive. Remember your muzzles.

Greyhounds in the Hawkes Bay area walk on the 1st Sunday of each month. 

We welcome ideas for our monthly adventures, so if you have a walk you’d like to share with other hounds and hoomans please let our Event Coordinator Maree know, we have 12 spots to fill every year!

GAP walks are open to all adopted greyhounds no matter where adopted from, their canine siblings from the same household, all other sighthounds and of course anyone considering adopting a greyhound through GAP.  Please feel free to come along for a “pat and chat” session.

Events are also posted to Facebook: Greyhounds as Pets NZ and your regional page (GAP Wairarapa & Hawkes Bay), Click on the EVENTS tab (left of screen) for details/comments.