
Recently retired, after being one of my trainers top performing race dogs, red ribbons suit me so much! I'm looking for a loving forever home. I'm not one to brag, so I'll leave that up to my minder.....apparently I'm beautiful, I have a lovely personality, I'm warm and affectionate, I love my hugs and loves. I'm good with kids, in the holidays I even have an 11 year old helper to care for me. I'm a placid, but confident boy, I am a joy to walk on a lead, I have NO bad habits according to my trainer, oooh Mr Perfect, thats me. My minders feel I am cat trainable, I just need to be reminded of my manners. My trainer family are really going to miss me, so whoever wins me, will need to email them for me
November 2013 Update - Well there I was waiting for my people, and my new dad, said no, we want a girl not a boy....he heard how wonderful I was, and how perfect my kennel friends thought I'd be for me new family and job, so in the end he came to visit, with his arms crossed and thinking, I want a girl....haha... then he met me, and who could resist! So I'm loving my new home and my people, looking forward to my new job helping the residents at my new mums retirement home, oh my gosh, they are going to just love me too! And I even have my own little girl to love!

Racing Name:
Cat Trainable: