
Special agent Fly reporting for duty. I know that many of you perspective retirees awaiting placement with a human pack are very nervous about how things will pan out. Well I’ve been working both tirelessly and undercover on your behalf to discover just what you should expect. There have been a few challenges but nothing that a greyhound with little dogged determination can’t overcome. These may include stairs, a human means of getting from one level to another, as they seem completely unable to leap 4 or 5 feet unaided. Glass doors are another test of greyhound ingenuity. These seemingly invisible barriers stand between the intrepid canine explorer and the outside world. After a few bumps on the head this agent soon came to recognise these obstacles, and found that voicing his disapproval at their presence bought a human scurrying to do his bidding by opening the infernal obstruction. On the plus side humans seem ridiculously easy to tame and train. The human members of my pack are quick to accommodate such canine requirements as endless petting and cuddling, snuggling on sofas, games of chase me round the garden, and a regular regime of good walks. To sum up comrades, properly handled these creatures can provide ex sports stars like ourselves with a very comfortable and cushy retirement, so go forth and enjoy. This is special agent Fly signing off

Racing Name:
Wakatipu Flyer
Cat Trainable: