Zola (Dolly Scramble) has been with us for almost a year now, and what
an impression she has made! Zola and Frank pretty much hit it off
straight away, and after a bit of training, Eddy the cat was deemed to
be ok too!
Zola is considered an 'elderly' hound, however I don't think she got
that memo! She loves playing 'tag' with Frank in the garden and with her
toys (and 7 year old Matilda's much to her horror). At the dog park
with her pals, she acts like a young whipper snapper! She does however
have one quirk - Push bikes. In the beginning Zola was clearly scared
of them, and had a very distinct reaction when one went past or if she
saw one coming. After some training and a bit of time, this reaction has
lessened, and she is much better around them. We often say that if Zola
was human, she would be a real Tom Boy! She is quite tall and lanky for
a girl, and loves hanging out with 'the boys'.
Zola has a huge appetite - not long after arriving here, she ate a bag
of rolled oats (ironically this was one of her brother's racing names)
followed two days later with a jar of brown sugar! Perhaps she was
hoping to make Flap Jacks! Needless to say, I hid the butter after
Zola is such an affectionate dog, who really does aim to please. She
loves - and I mean really loves cuddles - which she gets lots of!
Both Zola and Frank were on TV1's 'Whanau Living' which aired in March.
They have taken to their new Film Star status very well and now have a
little local fan club.
Thanks yet again to Annamarie and Jon from our Hampton Down's Kennel's
for matching us up with this Nutty, Quirky and gorgeous girl.
The Grice Family.