Update on Lily (Tara Lilly) and Flyer (Yaldhurst Flyer)

Here's the lovely story of how Lilly(Tara Lilly) and Flyer (Yaldhurst Flyer) joined the Read Household

We collected Lilly from Auckland having  gone 17 years without pets due to travel commitments.  Lilly was understandably nervous during her 4 hour drive north but very  obedient during our rest stops. She woke us up the next morning at 6.30 am with a yawn & whimper (toilet request)  & then inspected some of the property on a lead.  Within 3 days she was running with us on the beach and I think,  was as concerned about us leaving her as we were about losing her.

A week later Margaret Judd came to visit to see how Lilly was getting on and asked if she could bring another dog along that she was fostering (very smart move).
So Flyer (Yaldhurst Flyer) joined us on a trial basis, it will be obvious from the photos that we could never send him back.  Slightly nervous but clearly wanting to please he has become the perfect companion for both Lilly & us.   An excellent rabbit spotter, Flyer would pace the lounge ranch sliders then up went the ears  to alert me. We no longer get rabbits  or cats visiting!!
So our  life and health has improved somewhat. We now go to our local beach  early in the morning for a good run.  When I say "our€  we have the beach to ourselves apart from the odd cow & seabirds so Lilly & Fly are able to run free.  What a tough life!!

Les & Jenny    -  Lilly & Flyer arrived 7 & 15 Jan 2013