Lilo really is quite an amazing creature. You will be interested to know that she loves going to the water twice a day. Each time without fail, she lies in it up to her neck, then flies out at great speed up and down the beach front.
She retrieves balls properly, dropping them for a treat! Tears off to the water line (long way off), but always comes back.
She is running with all her dog mates in the park, no muzzle if just big dogs about. She loves them all and chases them furiously when their owners chuck balls for them. We go out for an hour twice a day. She is as fit as a flea. At home she has the free run of the house and garden all day and night. She has a large toy box, she knows this is hers and picks out all sorts of stuff from it and carts them to her bed in a pile.
She has had another teeth clean as an extra and now has pretty good looking teeth for an older lady. She is on Nutrience Premium - their new one which is a natural one for older dogs.
Dog-e-Style have made her a lovely summer coat, with a white SPF layer and a metalic sun reflecting layer. You can wet it and even put in it the fridge, to keep that black coat cool if out in the sun.
Some dogs fall on their feet - right??!