Just thought I would send a quick update through about Gucci (formerly Mary).
She is an absolute darling who has won the hearts of everyone in the family. She has quickly learnt the house rules and was a dream to toilet train as she is very clever.
She loves playing with her toys and can spend hours playing fetch with my nephews, who adore her. She is very tolerant and easy to handle (see picture in the reindeer antlers) and we get such enjoyment watching her discover new objects.
She is friendly to everyone when we go out walking but to our amusement is scared of the neighbourhood cats.
Clearly she is very excited about Christmas as she climbed on our chairs to watch us put up the Christmas tree. Perhaps she knows Christmas day is also her Birthday.
She loves a good zoom around the back yard and we cant wait for the next GAP run so she can meet all the other Greyhounds in our area.
We have only had her two weeks and cant wait to discover her traits and personality as she settles into retired life. We are so glad to have her as part of our family.