Ribbon winners
The Rai Valley A&P show ended up being a lovely day - not overly hot which was nice for a change. We even had the chance to enter the Dog Show - the first time one greyhound has been entered let alone five! They all looked fantastic!!! The organiser of the dog event, which was very low key and informal, suggested we should all enter our hounds in the "pet class€ which any dog can enter. However when she saw the line up of five hounds, and as there were no entries in the Sporting Dog section, she suggested we put the hounds in that as a class of their own. The judge admitted he knew diddly squat about greyhounds, but did his best to judge. So, the 5 hounds were only judged against each other on the whim of the judge, rather than objectively, but they made a good show, walking round and dear old Morse won first prize.
1st Morse (Whanganui), 2nd Brandy (Brandylicious), 3rd Jake (Spiral Ebony) and 4th equal Gus (unraced) and Rusty (Cawbourne Hand).
Morse then had to go into the "Best in Show Class€ and almost took the judge's fancy again, but this prize, very appropriately for an A&P show, went to a working collie. It was great fun, and the dogs behaved perfectly.
A great day was had by all and huge thanks for everyone that helped out on the day - as well as those who helped fundraise outside the Warehouse the day before!