The Masterton A&P show was over the weekend of the 16th & 17th of February. It was down on punters from last year but we got some quality interest over the show which was great. Plus lots of dog visitors including a Jack Russell puppy that was adorable. Not to mention awesome for the public to see the greyhounds being so chilled with the little tike.
On the Sunday a couple of the hounds entered the 'Pet Dog' competitions, we had a big support crew on the sidelines and talked to a lot of people who were there observing. We have no idea what the judging criteria was but a couple of ribbons were received and the hounds were brilliantly behaved. A father and his daughter came up to us afterwards and he said his daughter thought a greyhound should have won, which was very cute and they stayed to give the hounds lots of pats.
We did the grand parade on the Sunday afternoon, there weren't many exhibitors in the parade, but we trotted round with the Highland Cattle, a pony, a Clydesdale and some Alpaca's. The announcer read out some facts about the Greyhounds over the loudspeaker while we were going around which was very kind of the organisers.
A big thank you to the GAP team who help out with events in the Wairarapa, we couldn't do it without you and your help is very much appreciated!!