Adventures in the Chatham's - Settling in

Hi all

We are now into July and settling into our new home and have met lots of new friends. Offering free pats and cuddles when required is a big job but we are coping. This is readily taken up by our neighbouring units as they miss their own dogs and we make a pretty good substitute and are happy to share the love.

The Chatham is a funny place to us greyhounds as there are no rabbits and hares on the islands so we are not sure what the do for entertainment when they want something to chase here.

But they do have lots of these funny birds called Wekas. These are everywhere and often people go round them up for their dinner. Which is something you are not allowed to do back home. Maybe we will get invited to join in the gathering one day.

We are living not very far from the town of Waitangi, which is the main town. Just across the bay from our usual beach walk spot is the shipping wharf. This services the island and about every 10 days a boat arrives with supplies coming from either Timaru or Napier. We have to be very organised so we don’t run out of food - we don’t want to get hungry as we need to keep our strength up for our runs. There are lots of interesting things that wash up on the beach, I am sure if times were desperate we could find something to chew on. Though I don’t think our humans would appreciate our fishy breath.



Just before we sign off something we need to work on is a fresh bone and chicken carcass supply as there is no butcher on the Island. We will have to think on that and come up with some ideas.

Hope it hasn’t been too cold for you all as we have been watching on TV all the lovely frosts and winter weather you have been having -  we don’t miss that at all!!

Blue & Petal