Greyhounds as Pets (GAP) announced the successful placement of their 2,000th retired racing greyhound on Saturday, 7 October 2017. GAP reached this milestone within ten years of their first adoption processed in 2007.
Freda (Sedgebrook Freda), was the landmark 2,000th dog. Freda has been welcomed into the family of Alison, Neil and Ben from Napier. “We had such a good time with this adoption, and it was perfectly evident that this was Freda’s forever family,” says GAP Rehoming Manager, Danielle Valentic.
The Levin Kennels staff couldn’t be more pleased that Freda has found a new loving home. She found her way into the hearts of the team following health complications that resulted from a routine de-sexing operation. After spending time in intensive care at the local veterinary office, she was nursed back to health by dedicated staff, which included a homestay with Levin Kennel's team member, Christina. Included in her recuperation was being hand-fed sausages, the only food she would eat. After devoted love and care, Freda finally received a clean bill of health and was ready for adoption.
GAP is pleased to have reached their 2,000 successful adoptions target and are looking forward to their next major milestone of placing 3,000 greyhounds in forever homes.